About Us

“Sofia” – we are a workshop for sewing church vestments

Our workshop was founded in 2008, Rostov-on-Don. Subsequently, in 2015, a branch of the workshop was opened in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the village of Diveevo. The workshop is named after St. Sophia of Suzdal.

Highly qualified specialists work in our workshop, such as: an artist, a computer embroidery designer, a technologist, seamstresses and embroiderers.

We are engaged in the full-fledged development of church vestments. Our workflow begins with a simple artist’s sketch, which, after a while, is worked out in detail and turns into a full-fledged sketch. Next, the sketch falls into a machine embroidery designer’s  hand; is transformed into stitches and only after that is embroidered on embroidery machines, under the careful guidance of experienced embroiderers. The finished canvas with our embroidery is transferred to a professional seamstress’ hands, who completes the work, embodying our sketch into full-fledged products that you can see on our website.

We also work closely with icon painters, specialists in writing the Church Slavonic script, which allows us to develop products strictly according to the church canon.

We have studied facial and ornamental sewing and continue to get acquainted with the thousand-year history of Orthodox art, its various schools and workshops of decorative and applied art, each of which has made a great contribution to the artistic heritage.

We follow the canon and traditions, take into account all the preferences of the customer, as well as the artistic features of the architecture of the monastery and the decoration of the church.